By now you’re all very well aware of my ongoing relationship with Webnetics. It’s very one-sided in that they’ve no idea I exist, and yet I keep buying their games. Noticing there seems to be somewhat of a hit with the style of games Webnetics pumps out (and the need to gather virtual trinkets that trophy hunters have), developer ThiGames have put their own spin on the clicker game. Rather than being animal-themed though, ThiGames have opted for a food-based protagonist in the form of a Taco.
The premise of The Jumping Taco is simple. Hold down the R1 button (on the PS4/PS5) to gradually increase your score by having your delicious taco jump on the spot for you. I couldn’t tell you what magic allows the insentient being to perform such a feat, but there we go.
Your taco seems quite content to jump up and down and believe me, you’ll get used to seeing it do so because it’s the only thing on the screen that actually moves. Sure, you’ll notice the numbers change as your score increases in the top left corner of the screen, but otherwise you need have no fear of motion sickness.
I’ve said it about the Webnetics games I’ve played so far (The Chick C, The Cow G, The Pig D, The Sheep P and The Pigeon P) but The Jumping Taco feels like a simple cash grab to reel in those afflicted by the trophy or achievement hunting curse. Once more, they may fall into this trap, but I imagine for the developers this is precisely what they were aiming for. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the time it takes to make a game, but I still have this feeling.
To further prove this point in my mind, it took me less than five minutes to reach the required ‘high score’ (500 jumps) and there really did seem to be little point carrying on after this. That said, for £1.19 I spent slightly more time with The Jumping Taco than I would devouring an actual taco, so silver linings I guess.
Each trophy you unlock has the name of a taco you could make at home, so that made me fancy experimenting in the kitchen. This isn’t that important, I just wanted to note it down.
Ultimately, the minimalist style is decent to look at, and the Mexican-themed music was pretty rad, but I have very little else to say about The Jumping Taco. It did look tasty though.
Final consensus for The Jumping Taco? – DECENT/WORTH A PLAY
The ONE thing The Jumping Taco does, it does well. That’s why the final consensus is as it is. If you want to quickly boost your trophy level then fill your boots. Don’t forget, you may be inspired to try a new taco dish too.